5 Tips on Working from Home
Wearing LuLu’s Sweatshirt (gifted) // Bag from Prada
It’s been over a week in official lockdown in San Francisco, and I’m thankful that I am able to WFH comfortably during this time. Everyone seems to be complaining about the quarantine, but I’d like to challenge you with a question. What’s your quarantine silver lining? Mine is not having to do the 2+ hour daily commute.
When I’m not blogging, I work a full-time job in tech (visual designer at google). For those still trying to acclimate to working from home, here are some tips that have helped me.
1. Have a morning routine
Whether it’s morning yoga or making your daily matcha latte, it helps to have a daily morning routine before starting your day. I don’t recommend working right when you wake up.
2. Get dressed
Get out of your PJ’s. Just changing into another set of clothes (it can still be loungewear/comfy clothes) can help get you into a work mindset for the day. One of my favorite casual sets is this one from Superdown.
3. Take breaks
When working from home, it can be easy for work to blend into home and home to blend into work. Remember to take necessary breaks.
4. Set aside time blocks to structure your day
If you struggle with getting distracted easily or find it hard to be productive, set up time blocks with clear goals to structure your day.
5. Setup online coffee chats with coworkers
Great way to stay connected with your team. Find unique ways to connect and socialize with you team!
And, sometimes it’s the little things that can really improve your WFH space. Things like burning my favorite candle throughout the day and having my desk near a window for open/natural lighting greatly improves my mood.
Hopefully these tips help, and thanks for reading.